יונג יידיש ווין

a space for Yiddish language and culture in the heart of Leopoldstadt


a space for Yiddish language and culture in the heart of Leopoldstadt

Following on from our successful Festival "Jiddisch auf der Spur", we are planning to open the doors of our new location YUNG YiDiSH WIEN Cultural Centre in the heart of the Orthodox Jewish part of Leopoldstadt.

Our space will cater for the needs of the Viennese cultural public interested in Yiddish language and culture, throw a special spotlight on women’s contribution to Yiddish culture, and also reach out to the Yiddish-speaking Orthodox community living in the vicinity of our location.

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YUNG YiDiSH WIEN is the first international filiale of the YUNG YiDiSH LIBRARY AND CULTURAL CENTRE in Tel Aviv,
founded and directed by Mendy Cahan.
YUNG YiDiSH TEL AVIV has been running a rich cultural program, keeping Yiddish language and culture alive in Israel for over thirty years.

In the unlikely location of the Main Bus Station of Tel Aviv, over sixty thousand books, collected painstakingly one by one, sit on shelves and inside boxes, bearing witness to a rich world of Eastern European Yiddish culture.

Upcoming events

Thu 9 May  20:00 Uhr

Erleben Sie die wiener 1920er durch eine jiddische Linse. Was könnte denn wienerischer sein als ein Café-Théâtre mit Georg Kreisler Liedern?
Mendy Cahan und David Serebryanik kehren, nach ihrem ausverkauften Kabarett letztes Jahr, zurück zu YUNG YiDiSH WIEN, um Sie zu unterhalten.

Tickets 12€ (10€ YUNG YiDiSH Mitglied) inkl 1 Getränk (Kinder freier Eintritt) Aschkenasisches Essen wird serviert für einen extra Betrag.

Experience the 1920s with a little Yiddish taste. What can be more Viennese than a café-théâtre evening with songs of Georg Kreisler... Mendy Cahan and David Serebryanik return to YUNG YiDiSH WIEN to entertain you with a Yiddish cabaret and some songs by Georg Kreisler after a sold out performance last year.

Tickets: €12 (€10 for YY(W) members) with complimentary drink. Children free. Snacks and full plates of Ashkenazi food will be available for extra charge.

The event is partly sponsored by the City of Vienna.

Pre-registration is obligatory. The event name is KREISLER. You can pay at the door by cash or card.

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Sun 12 May 8pm

Feat. Sasha Lurje (LV/DE), Craig Judelman (USA/DE)
and special guest Shaun Williams (US/RO)

The Carpathian Mountains stretch from Czechia to Ukraine, and have been a home for Ashkenazi Jews since at least the 15th century. By traveling a few hundred miles or years one could arrive in modern-day Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia or Moldova, or under the rule of the Habsburg, Ottoman, Soviet, Polish-Lithuanian, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian, Carpatho-Ukrainian governments. These rich borderlands contained a diverse mix of ethnic groups and over the centuries were of varied significance for local and neighboring Jewish communities - a safe haven for refugees of the Khmelnitski pogroms, the birth place of the Hasidic movement, a rare place where Jews could own and work the land and a place of heightened interactions between
Jewish and Roma people.

While modern borders lead us to think in terms of political boundaries, this program celebrates and explore the rich heritage of this multi-ethnic territory and its surrounding areas. From Hasidic nigunim and songs borrowed from local non-Jewish traditions to the songs of Jewish partisans, the rich culture of important Jewish communities in nearby cities such as Krakow, Chernovits and Munkatch and the unique fiddle tunes of the Bukovina and Maramures regions, the music is as diverse as the territory it represents.

Led by celebrated Latvian singer Sasha Lurje and American fiddler and composer Craig Judelman, this project is the latest of a collection of programs and collaborations by the Berlin-based duo under the name Lebedik. The band is devoted to creative yet deeply rooted presentations of a rich variety of Ashkenazi culture. Joined by special guest accordionist Shaun Williams, an American who has spent the last decade studying, performing and teaching in Romania and Ukraine, this program brings together this diverse repertoire to paint a picture of Jewish life through the centuries.

The concert is presented by the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University and will feature some unique songs recorded in testimonies contained the archive.

If you would like to learn more about this material, the artists will also be offering a lecture and workshops in song and instrumental music at the I.V.E. on May 13.

Pre-registration for the 12 May event is obligatory. The event name is LEBEDIK. You can pay at the door by cash or card.

Register here

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Pre-registration is oblitory. Please register here. The event name is the SURNAME of the speaker.

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Nem mayn vort: Original Yiddish songs by Sveta Kundish & Patrick Farrell
Wed 22 May 8pm

Avant-garde and strikingly new, or simple and traditionalist, Farrell's original song compositions are brought to life by these two widely respected performers of klezmer and Yiddish song.

Kundish & Farrell are bringing an entirely new perspective to the world of Yiddish music with their fierce focus on both text and musical composition, their equal dedication to traditional and contemporary musical practice, and their rare virtuosity as performers.

Tickets €12 (€10 for YYW members), children free.

Register by sending an email to
with subject line KUNDISH or by clicking on the button below.

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Past events

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16.02.2024 19:00

Druseiane ❦ Bovo.

Elia Levitas italo-jiddisches Renaissance-Epos “Bovo d'Antona”, Urszene der weltlichen jiddischen Dichtung — jetzt erstmals in deutscher Übertragung

In einem kurzen, leicht zugänglichen Format führt uns der Übersetzer Florian Kragl in das Leben und die Zeit von Eliya Bokher ein. Wir hören einen Auszug aus dem Epos auf Jiddisch und erfahren auch etwas über den Übersetzungsprozess.

Nach einer Pause wird Mendy Cahan jiddische Lieder vortragen. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, das Buch zu einem reduzierten Preis von 20 Euro statt 38 Euro zu kaufen.

Druseiane ❦ Bovo.

Register for the Druseiane ❦ Bovo. event here!
By pressing the registration button you agree for YUNG YiDiSH WIEN to hold your personal information that you provided for the purposes of administration regarding the event.

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On 9 October 2023, we held an international Yiddish poetry evening. Due to the terrible events of the previous Saturday, when more than a thousand Israeli’s were murdered by Hamas terrorists, the event was not held in person in YUNG YiDiSH WIEN but online. Philip Schwartz moderated the ninety-minute event attended by an international audience. 

You can watch the recording of the event here.
Read more about the event in the Forward here.
You can read the poems themselves here.

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Thomas Soxberger

holds a PhD in Jewish Studies from Vienna University and a MA in Yiddish studies from SOAS, London University. His own Yiddish poetry and prose, starting with his first poem in the Oxford Yiddish literary journal Di pen in 1994, have appeared in several Yiddish publications: Yerusholaymer almanakh (Jerusalem), Naye vegn (Tel Aviv), Gilgulim (Paris, and Forverts (New York). He has also translated extensively from Yiddish into German. He is currently working for the Press Service of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna.

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Berl Kotlerman
Ramat Gan

is Professor at the Department of Literature of the Jewish People and Director of the Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel. He also holds the Sznajderman Chair in Yiddish Culture and Hasidism. He is the author of a number of monographs in the field of Yiddish culture, as well as four fiction books in
Yiddish: Among his literary awards are the Canadian Dr.
Hirsch and Deborah Rosenfeld Award for Yiddish and Hebrew Literature and the American Jewish
Press Association's Simon Rockower Award.

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Beruriah Wiegand

is the Woolf Corob Lector in Yiddish at the University of Oxford. She has published two bilingual collections with the Leyvik-farlag in Tel Aviv: Tsi hot ir gezen mayn tsig? - (2012) and Kales-breyshis - (2018), a bilingual edition of A.N. Stenc's early verse, co-translated with Stephen Watts (Five Leaves, 2007), and a translation of a book of memoirs by the Grodno writer Leib Reizer (Yad Vashem, 2009). 

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Marek Tuszewicki

is Deputy Director of the Institute of Jewish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His main research and teaching interests are the language and culture of Eastern Ashkenaz, particularly questions of modernisation. Marek has published numerous articles on Ashkenazi popular culture as well as translations from English, Yiddish and Hebrew and a collection of his own Yiddish poetry, Fun beyde zaytn shpigl (Tel Aviv: Haytntsaytike yidishe literatur, 2018).

18-22 Sep 2023 we held a week-long festival "Jiddisch auf der Spur" including a Yiddish Cabaret, a film evening with podium discussion, an interview with Mendy Cahan, and the creation and opening of our exhibit "Jiddish auf der Spur"! 

Copyright Murer scene photo below: Prisma Film 

Murer - Anatomie eines Prozesses
film evening with podium discussion

19 SEP 2023 - TOP KINO
Graz, 1963: The prestigious politician and large-scale farmer Franz Murer, responsible for the Ghetto of Vilnius as SS leader and NSDAP functionary from 1941-1943 stands trial. Survivors of the mass murder arrive to testify, sometimes in Yiddish, and to obtain justice. Winner of the 2018 "Diagonale Prize for Best Feature Film", starring Karl Fischer, Alexander E. Fennon and Melita Jurisic.

The film showing at Top Kino was followed by a panel discussion led by Dr.phil Norli Lappin-Eppel - Jewish historian of the Shoa, involving Christian Frosch - writer and director of Murer; Klára Trencsényi - freelance cinematographer, Visiting Professor at Central European University; Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Klaus Davidowicz - expert on visual Jewish cultural history from the University of Vienna; Mendy Cahan - Yiddish actor in "Murer" and Elina Osorio - student of the University of Vienna. 

Yiddish Cabaret with Mendy Cahan

21 Sep 2023 -- YUNG YiDiSH WIEN -- SOLD OUT!
In front of a fully packed hall, Mendy Cahan delighted us with a Yiddish Cabaret, accompanied by David Serebryanik on keyboard.

"Jiddish auf der Spur" Exhibition

Students of the 1st University of Vienna/ YUNG YiDiSH TEL AVIV "Shtayt geshribn!" Autumn School on Yiddish language and culture created a group learning diary in the form of an exhibition. Here is a video our students made about the process.

Planned events

  • Georg Kreisler evening with David Serebryanik What can be more Viennese then the songs of Georg Kreisler?
  • Yiddish Cabaret offering the classic but always modern genre of cabaret
  • "Art of the Niggun" a two-part musical event series  featuring Hasidic nigunim (melodies) from different Hasidic traditions involving singers, musicians and international musical experts
  • Hasidic dance workshop drawing on Vienna's klezmer musicians, as well as Hasidic Orthodox Jewish musicians, using the language of music to bring these two culturally divided communities closer
  • A performative lecture co-organised with "Friling", a Viennese community for the advancement of Yiddish music
  • and much more...
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Who we are:

YUNG YiDiSH WIEN - Verein zur Förederung der jiddischen Sprache
ZVR: 1572701332
Lilienbrunngasse 18/an der Straße
Wien 1020


Email: yungyidishvienna@gmail.com


Tram 2 Marienbrücke
Tram 5 Karmeliterplatz
U4, U1 Schwedenplatz - 5 min walk across Marienbrücke
U2 Taborstraße - 7 min walk along Taborstraße

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